Mr Whizz Fizz & Coconut Ice girl.

Although not a synesthete, Jules 'tastes' people. She doesn't lick them as such (well not everyone) but she metaphorically induces the taste of a person - as a lolly. One guy she knows for example is definitely a Whizz Fizz, while his Dad is Jamaica Old Gold. I'm told I am a banana. While I'm not thrilled about this as I dislike banana lollies, I'm happy to "stand out in the bag".

Jules claims the lolly test doesn't lie. A rather tasty, lemony friend turned into a carob licorice stick over time. A bit dry and weird. Not very sweet. A bit cracked and disappointing.

In the interests of gaining synesthesia I was keen to give it a go. For a while I had no success, and then in my peripheral view, this image flashed past my screen as I scooted through ads at high speed. Instantly the long forgotten memory of my Aunt's sickly sweet Coconut Ice flushed to mind. I rewound and screen grabbed it, keen to let Jules know that "I'd done it". She agreed with my tasting, but we also though this chick had more than a dash of marshmallow about her too.

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