Synesthete # 5 - How should your logo taste?

I'm sure my friend Andrew won't mind my talking about the design job we did together to brand his new events company. Someway through the process I found out Andrew was a synesthete. I jumped on the opportunity to practically interact with synesthesia. We abandoned the usual conversation of 'market positioning, audience demographics blah blah' and instead asked him how he thought his logo should taste. His eyes lit up, he leant forward and made a sound like he was sucking on a lollypop. After rolling the idea around for a while (apparently in his mouth) he described a particular limey flavour, with a slight fizz, a crispness, but not too sweet. Like an edible glass lozenge?

This led to a fascinating design experience for me, and we threw ideas around until Andrew was happy with the 'gloopiness, flavour and the glassiness' of his logo. Excellent! Such awesome fun. I wish all my clients had such awesome brains.

Process images.

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